A person sees this world, since he is dictated by his mindset. If it is impossible to change the world, then act wisely – change your attitude towards it, your mindset, change yourself. Sometimes this is not easy and so that your ardor does not cool down, remember that the best things are most difficult to do.
Only a very stupid person, having felt the blows of fate on himself, prefers to measure with this and in no way to resist, citing the fact that he has such a fate and it is pointless to resist. But at the same time, he continues to complain about life, on her cruelty towards him, reveling in boundless pity for herself. A smart person thoroughly studies the current situation and if it is not possible to turn the course of events and get out of trouble, then analyzing it, show wisdom and will certainly try to extract a lesson from it to improve his position as much as possible. At the same time, he does nothing special or supernatural, he uses one of the many amazing qualities of a person – the ability to turn all the disadvantages of the situation in his own benefit.
Happiness is not pleasure, but victory. We are used to perceiving happiness as pleasure and expect from it what we usually expect from another pleasure. We are waiting, but we don’t need to wait, it is necessary to act, because happiness, first of all, satisfaction of life. The very life that we live after day in search of happiness. Happiness is primarily an inexorable and merciless victory over the difficulties that our whole life is stuffed with, happiness is the extreme point of the victorious struggle, it is a triumph when all the disadvantages are turned into pluses. The most important thing in life is not contentment of the results of successes, anyone is capable of it, but the maximum benefit from losses. The latter to a greater extent requires the mind and is the main distinguishing feature that shares the concepts "SMART" And "FOOL".
If you look at the life of people who have achieved very carefully, then one logical fact can be seen: almost all of them underwent various kinds of losses at the very beginning of their career, they often had to overcome various kinds of obstacles. All previous not quite soft events helped them to harden, learn, gain skills and strength, and most importantly wisdom, in the future to succeed in everyone in their field.
Negative factors help. Maybe you heard once a fairly famous Scandinavian proverb: "The north wind created the Vikings". She, like nothing else, subtly reflects our reality in the spectrum of the impact of negative factors on us, it is for many to make a motto of their own life. Difficulties do not need to be afraid of difficulties, you need to overcome, making benefits from them. A quiet, measured, calm and flat life will not lead to anything good, of course, if it always remained, then this statement was slightly softer, but in life everything, as a rule, can be different differently. And people who are accustomed to silence and dimension are most often whiners who regret themselves and stubbornly do this, even being in greenhouse conditions. Therefore, the conclusion is unequivocal: you need to not get away from difficulties, afraid to encounter them, but learn to overcome them.
In order not to fall in spirit in an irreconcilable struggle with difficulties, it is always necessary to remember, at least, two important reasons for which you will gain new forces to continue the fight. The first reason: Continuing the struggle, you will always have a chance to achieve success, leaving you, you will lose it forever. The second reason is: even if you fail, the fact of the struggle itself is nothing more than a minus appeal to a plus. You will only look forward without looking back, all your negative emotions will be replaced by positive under the influence of the released creative energy, you will plunge whole in the process and, you will have neither time nor the opportunity to grieve.
This should look like an all -conquering life to satisfy, spiritual peace, joy and happiness: all the disadvantages must be turned into pluses already in their own consciousness, developing the habit of the corresponding mindset – this is real wisdom.