Friendship is disinterested personal relations between people. Trust, mutual sympathy, sincerity, common hobbies and interests are the basis of friendship. A prerequisite for friendship is the absence of any competition.
Real friends love you for being, not for any achievements. Only a true friend will not leave you alone and will support you in difficult times. He will be happy for you in the happy moments of your life.
Scientists from the University of North Carolina, led by a professor of psychology, Barbara Frederickson, conducted a study of the lives of 65 people, among whom were students and employees of the university. Thanks to these studies, it was concluded that sociable people who are in good relations with friends and family members feel happier than personalities not so sociable.
It turned out that friendly respondents are much healthier. They did not have a violation of heart rhythm. They also had less problems with digestion and pressure, like stress. And the participants in the experiment who are not used to friends could not boast of good health. They developed heartily vascular diseases in middle age. It turned out that it is good to be friends for health.
Communication with friends and memories of the time spent with them or close people cause pleasant emotions. They act excitingly on the vagus nerve. It is he who is responsible for the development of a hormone of joy in the body called oxytocin.
Scientists advise to meditate to meditate every day to improve well -being, remembering friends and family. We must learn to perceive life positively. Think only good about their relationships with loved ones.
Psychologists have established that those who were engaged in meditation improved their health and mood. The vagus nerve has a lot of functionality. This proved that positive emotions more often appear in people who are able to be friends.
In childhood, the best girlfriends very often built so called night gatherings, this is when the girls dressed before bedtime in pajamas or at night shirts. So these gatherings always took place in a cheerful environment, which greatly influenced a healthy sleep and strengthening friendship between girls.
Barbara Frederickson concluded that the best way to save health is to be friends and be a good friend.