I wonder what distinguishes the internal state of successful people from less successful? Perhaps the form of being, that is, the ability to take the necessary conditions in order to achieve a particular goal? And how do we control our internal state? How many different states do you have in the arsenal? Does it happen that you become a hostage of one specific state?
Typical story of one day.
If, we recall at least one day from our life, we probably realize that our condition changes like the northern lights that changes depending on the situations and events that accompany us. A small example, you eat to work, you experience joy, state of satisfaction. You plan how your day will pass, show the turn. But you are cut. Misunderstanding, instantly tested fear (the heart is pounding) gradually replaces anger. Weaked… We reached the office.
Climbed the stairs, you wake up the spirit of the winner. Greet up, wakes up the spirit of a warrior. Welcome to colleagues. Loud tone – than not a commander? Sit down at your table. Quiet, calm logically reasonable hours of work. Knock on the door. Successful sale. Delight!!! A wild surge of joy! Feeling of success! Joy bursts from the inside. You consider the profit made. Delight. An hour has passed. A colleague in tears comes in: robbed…. These were company banks… Anger, a sense of injustice – why exactly with me and today? Go to a scream. You ask yourself: "What to do in this situation?". Uncertainty is replaced by apathy. The working day is coming to an end. Tired…
A trip home. Standing in traffic jams. Anger. Irritation. There is nothing to do… Weaked…. Go into the apartment. How I love my house! Everything is here as I like. Remove, get to the bed and fall… "God" – , Speak to yourself – "What a fatigue. I am exhausted!!! Why?" And suddenly hear a voice from above: "Such internal states for a day to bundle such a range of internal states – who will not get tired? Look for a rest point"
How to find a dormant point in the internal state?
It becomes clear that the opposite internal emotional states are pendulums and take away a lot of strength and vital energy. During the day we experience many different emotional states, but we need to find a neutral point in which we can stay in the inner state of peace. Like a whirlwind – the wind outside, and inside. Using the images, you can simply take any of your problem and find it in its opposite, and then conduct the procedure for encountering conditions, and the problem will disappear. For example, when I start angry at someone, then de finds the opposite state of joy inside myself… And every time, the result exceeds my expectations. And the most important thing you have time to do more in a day, because the energy that is spent on a large range of internal states (the so -called pendulum) can now be directed to another. So our internal state of instability is replaced by stability.
The internal states of a person are often in constant movement. These changes occur continuously, especially since the emotional states of a person are closely related to every minute pose and breathing. If we begin to live consciously, and monitor the internal states, then over time we can notice that their varieties are some points in the range between the two poles.
If you really begin to do this, you will explore yourself, then you will expand your interest in the process of self -knowledge and you will be able to creatively use this technique today. Try to conduct research and deal with such internal opposite conditions as: resentment, forgiveness, grief, separation, depression, insight, creativity, harmony, balance, commitment, integrity, freedom, wealth, success and opposite it (try to name and describe).
Why do it? The answer is simple. When we are well borrowed our internal states and find the opposite to it, and we also know how to find a dormant point in them, we can easily go into our condition, maintaining our inner strength and energy. However, you become more confident and more successful.