Good and correct article. But you know what I remember? My path and my path. I will share your own look at what happened and where I am now. So I remembered…. "Path, the same path. With which it all started. If anyone remembers, then I wrote about the life of a person (in my opinion), which looks like a road laid through plains and mountains, forests and clearings, cities and villages. That here it can be even, or maybe with fossa, and sometimes on the road large boulders are – do not pass, do not go through them and have to clean up, making efforts. To climb the mountain, sometimes with difficulty, with tears, and sometimes kubarim once stumbled into a slope from one mountain. All in abrasions and scratches you sit at the foot of the next and then you decide to sit on the snot on a fist to wind and scold and offend you on the one who allegedly put a footboard for you on the previous mountain and you fell from there. " Not like our life with her ups (bursts of feelings, emotions. luck in business) and its falls (sadness, sadness, envy and resentment)? Something is common? Everyone’s roads are different, but roads. Mountains with different climbs and descents, but – mountains. Obstacles are different on the way, but obstacles. So resentment and forgiveness. As it turns out, everyone around says: "You need to forgive". We teach children to forgive: " Go and tell me sorry! Ask for forgiveness!" We were also taught so, we said and it seems like it is not difficult to say the word, but it is not so easy to forgive with an interpretation, and sometimes we say excuse me, I’m sorry, but in the end we hide the pebbles behind the bosom. When there are many of these stones, then first of all it becomes very bad for us and we begin to get them out of ourselves, without analyzing where and from whom and from whom it is received, but…. Then he falls again to our loved ones and they begin to be offended by us (for some reason, thinking that we want to launch this pebble into them. Remember in childhood? Once someone threw the snowball and hit us, it hurts. And being an adult, we are often afraid. that this will happen again, that he specifically marks in our eyes).In the same way, we ourselves, when a loved one begins to make noise, is annoyed or vice versa, then we begin to be offended. For what and to whom? Hence the question of whom and what to forgive? So everything is written correctly in the article, you need to forgive yourself and yourself. But what is better to get sick, and then treat, or still warn the disease and be always healthy? choice for each its own. But how to forgive? Personally, it was difficult for me to accept that I was actually offended and there are actually the same pebbles behind my sinus. Over time, I was used to it to this gravity that I have already stopped noticing, but it didn’t become easier. Personally, I could not understand these words "We must forgive!" And most importantly, I could not understand why? my resentment was so deep and disguised that I did not see anything. I really did not understand how ethocyte:
Try to feel as much as possible and strengthen the negative emotions that you experience and give them a way out. You can say to your offender everything that you think about him, or shout, or beat pillows. In general, do everything that helps you in these cases.
I myself did not succeed. And thanks to those people who could listen to me, thereby simply helped me to forgive all those from whom I once got a pebble. You see, expressing an insult, we pull out these pebbles one at a time, but if, opposite us, there is a person who, at the sight of such a pebble, immediately imagines that they want to throw them in it, he does not allow him to speak out and begins to attack himself. Hence the misunderstanding and does not become easier for anyone. naturally and before forgiveness it becomes even further. When we learn to listen to the one who is near, we will learn and forgive. I am still inclined to the fact that such imagination with forgiveness is useful and help many, but sometimes it is not possible to correctly find that very insult to forgive. But how often does it happen that someone suddenly works like a catalyst. We must learn to listen to a person, and not immediately think that it was he who attacked you. In fact, he saw in you a friend who will help him understand what he personally was offended and forgive. You know, watching the children, and you tell you on the forum about your children, others think about this or that behavior of the child and how many of you are right when they suddenly see that the child has rolled tantrums not because the cartoons were not turned on or turned on or did not do what he demanded, but much deep and initial reasons. This suggests that each of us is able to listen, hear and understand. and accordingly and forgive. Try, look, don’t be afraid. Help your neighbor, if he speaks out, this does not mean that he wants evil to you – he asks you for help!(Perhaps he complains of someone, about something, but behind this is usually a completely different true reason, known only to himself), but it happens that we are painful from some and someone’s statements, my personally my opinion is my opinion And there are those invisible (sometimes even us) small pebbles that do not give us the same lightness.