Agree, you have repeatedly been puzzled by the question: why do some people get a lot, they achieve success in many ways: communication, work, and they are just happy, but everything is different with you, not as you wanted. Everything is very simple to fix, the main thing is to understand what exactly should be done.
Individuality, or rather its absence, imitation of an invented or real idol, attempts to repeat someone’s achievements are most often a brake for a full and comprehensive personality development, a dead end when moving to the intended goal. The desire to be yourself, to maintain an individuality in yourself, that you can distinguish you from the total mass and allow Fortune to pay long -awaited attention to you is a universal problem today. Hidden unwillingness to be leads to the emergence of neurosis, psychological diseases and compassionate complexes. The person who, without taking into account his own physiological, psychological, hereditary inclinations, makes futile attempts to become different, who, in his opinion, he will gain fame, honor and will be endlessly happy.
Do not imitate anyone. Of course, it is not forbidden to imitate individual moments of activity of their idols, but if only individual points, and not by complete copying of a stranger unknown and unknown, and therefore unconscious to the end, personality. Individuality will not go anywhere, no matter how great your efforts to leave it are, it will always appear: in daily actions, in relationships, in reaction to the event that are happening around, in persistence when overcoming barriers and in many other types of manifestations. Thus, she, attracting to herself in her manifestations, will not let you become what or by whom you want to become, but will not develop yourself. You are not destined to achieve anything, copying others and completely imitating them. Repeating you only repeat, and not achieve, you seem to try your strength, but do not use them. At the same time, you lose a lot, because you consciously cease to look for the undisclosed opportunities that everyone has, and doom yourself at best to exist on the second, third and so on.
People who imitate others are noticeable, they are visible to everyone, visible as imitators and far from the best, their insincerity is also visible, which causes distrust of them. They try to get rid of such people and this is normal and advisable. The constant desire to imitate his idol leads to the emergence of all kinds of complexes that prevent you from being successful and happy. And this happens because the inconsistency of his idol in consciousness transforms into self -doubt with all the ensuing consequences. The most common manifestation of this misconception of people is found when trying to find a job, most often at this moment many, instead of being themselves, try to imitate others in every way. Instead of holding on a relaxed, to be sincere and frank, they fetter themselves with the desire to seem better, attempts to say what, according to their assumption, want to hear from them. At the same time, they behave extremely unnaturally, confuse and doom themselves to failure, because it does not work, because the deceivers, like all the false ones, are not needed by anyone.
Embroidered resources have fabulous potential. It must be remembered that until you have gained and developed in yourself the individuality inherent only to you, you will use only ten percent of the intellectual abilities embedded in you by nature. If we compare the capabilities of a person with what he often uses, it turns out that he uses an extremely small part of himself to achieve goals, the remaining ninety percent is simply sleeping. Think only almost all the strength and power of physical and mental resources, with all attempts to achieve the goal, simply idle and disappears to the end. Each person on Earth has many abilities, and they are completely different from the ability of other people, so you should not worry if you suddenly notice that you are completely different from others. There have never been the same people, it never happens, and it will not be. All this is due to our genes (this is a scientifically proven fact), which under the influence of many factors (heredity, the environment and so on) in the process of human development are modified, creating new connections and combinations, and are never repeated.
Do not be afraid to be yourself, just be them. You are initially not like anyone on Earth, you already have something completely new and unique in this world, which means that any attempt to repeat and imitate will remain an attempt and imitation. It is better to develop yourself as you are, do not borrow, but use what Mother Nature has already given you. Any achievement of autobiographical and individually: you can sing only with your own voice, draw only with your own hand, and you can only think with your own head. Undoubtedly, you must only be yourself, as your parents have made you, the nature surrounding you, the environment in which you grew up, the environment in which you talked, your personal experience.
As it grows up and spiritual development, a person has a moment of enlightenment, the moment of realization that envy is a product of ignorance, and imitation is comparable to suicide. A person is obliged to reconcile himself with himself, to explore the force laid down in him, because no one will do this except himself, only he himself is able to explore the limit of his own abilities. Be yourself, be individual, study yourself and then you will develop a new attitude to life in yourself, find peace and free yourself from anxiety.