It often happens that dark natural hair loses its color, or its saturation decreases. Using natural products, hair can always be made darker. A very effective remedy is a decoction of oak bark. Dry chopped oak bark can be bought at a pharmacy. At home a handful of such a product should be poured with water, and then boil for 20-30 minutes. The decoction is cooled, filtered and used as a rinseum, after washing the hair. As a result, dark hair will acquire a saturated chestnut color. The hair can be “darkened” with coffee, or rather, his decoction. To do this, cook strong coffee, which rinses the hair after washing. To get a good saturated color, this procedure is carried out for at least two weeks. If the result needs to get much faster, use hair coloring with henna with the addition of coffee. It should be noted that the darker hair color can be obtained with a greater content in the coffee tool. To give the hair a copper-chestnut shade, it is necessary to pour hot water with hot water and soluble coffee in a 1: 1 proportion, as a result of which a thick consistency should be obtained. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair, after which a hat with a towel is put on a head, and the product is kept in several hours. Then it is washed off from the hair with warm water, without shampoo. From natural hair dyes in dark color, basma is most popular. However, this tool should not be used separately. Basma is bred with henna. As a result, the color lasts longer, and depending on the proportions, you can get a wide gamut of a dark honey. If you need hair color darker, you need to take 1/3 or 1/4 part of the hen to one part of the basma. There is another way to get dark hair with excellent shine. When rinsing hair, you need to use black tea with a decoction. This tool is used for a long time to obtain a spectacular shade, but is considered the safest. But as a result, you can become the owner of a dark beautiful shade and a healthy shine. For darkening of hair, you can also use tonics, tinted shampoos and balms. Of course, such funds do not have a healing effect on hair, but they can give them a fairly bright dark color. It should be borne in mind that tinting agents are washed off quickly enough. After several times washing with shampoo, staining products leave the hair.
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