Some memories from the past, indeed, can interfere with living and simply spoil the mood.
I don’t know what part of the population you belong to yourself, my friends, but I have long noticed that some of us live in different temporary sections, if I may say so. T. e. Most of the thoughts are: at yesterday at tomorrow at today
Coco Chanel correctly noticed:
Life is not a costume, it cannot be redeemed and sewn again, but it is also not worth it to regret the past, otherwise old age will turn into a continuous tooth rattle from regrets.
"And what is bad from this, that I often think about the past?" – You ask? It follows that people who often recall the past are more often subject to stress and poor mood, they often have health problems, they recover more slowly and in general they have less joy in their lives than it could have been. Good or badly judge for yourself.
Those of us who think more about tomorrow, in fact, did not move much further further than the first, because in this case the heads are more busy with thoughts about tomorrow. These are not only pleasures, but also some non-existent fears and difficulties. Although it has long been known that what we most often think about, we attract as a result in our lives.
It turns out that both the first and latter live in some non -existent world, more far -fetched by their own fears, ideas, conclusions.
The third, according to my observations, which are much less, but they are much healthier, happier and more successful than the first and second, since they are focused on a specific, real moment. They feel, feel and see the world much brighter, because they do not spend their energy on the grinding of past events, do not block the movement of energies in the body with their regrets and resentment. They are here and now.
How to forget the past
Let go… So take and let go.
Of course, if you, man "yesterday", then you are not at all easy to take and forget your whole past with one will of will. But if you understand that daily thoughts take you from the real world and do not add you happiness, health, good relations, but rather, on the contrary, I have one wonderful recipe for you.
Clean your own "computer" (read your head) from old unnecessary programs. Lay new ones.
To do it is pretty simple. Take A4 format sheet and write on it your today’s thoughts, fears, problems. Doubts and so on. You can write as you want.
Now, near each recorded thought, write a new thought in a positive form and your idea of its neutralization, decision.
Made? Amazing! You have a new focus. And most importantly, he is today! If you are used to planning everything, then I congratulate you in your hands almost a personal growth plan. It remains now to rewrite it completely, decide in the dates.
If you have never written any plans and are not going to write them further, then you just need to stick stickers on a large sheet with each thought (its solution) and arrange them in a chaotic manner. These are your tasks in the near future. Naturally, replacing negative thoughts with positive. I will not be not easy right away, but interesting.
If you hang all this art in front of your eyes, and even in a colorful form, then the brain will begin to focus on this. Why? Simply because in one minute you cannot think about different things at the same time.
As you solve your tasks and the receipt of new ones, you will learn to live in the present moment much faster than you think. Just read this so as not to harm yourself inadvertently and not break into the usual thinking one of the days. Well that’s all. Practice from 30-90 days. According to psychologists, in these terms, new habits are consolidated.