There is no person in the world who would never do it. More precisely, not so. Only babies do not do it. A little older children – easily. It turns out on its own, just look around. Scary? Or interesting? The question is actually not so simple and unambiguous. After all, we are talking about … envy.
At first we want an alien mold for sandy kuliki – it is more beautiful, then a doll, then – the same skirt, hairpin, the same success and fans even cooler … The list is endless. A woman and envy are so closely connected that sometimes it seems that the latter is one of the components of our nature. It seems that you don’t want to envy, you understand that this is bad, but you will only see Ani Lorak, for example, in a new dress and all … All efforts of the Nastrome!
And if a neighbor is in the new thing, or, even worse, a friend … Yes, it is to her face … You can’t do with the tiles of chocolate to calm the nerves. Only successful shopping in the style of “What am I worse than it is saved?”. And again we begin to envy, only this time in the easiest and most pleasant shape – to ourselves.
There is another form of envy. White. At first glance – it’s okay. Well, a friend came out successfully. Or found a good job. We are happy for her? Of course, glad! But there, somewhere in the depths, in the area of the beginning of the rectum (the most place there) sits something “in a gray suit” and clearly asks: “Why not me?»As Efim Spiegel said:” White envy of frequent use becomes black “. Perhaps the only thing that is not dirty from frequent use is conscience. The brain and that – clogs.
It is interesting that the same area of the brain is responsible for envy and pain. It turns out that envious of someone, we hurt ourselves. The Holy Fathers were right, attributing envy of sins against themselves.
A classic example of envy known to any child. “Showing crooks on TV. Well, what am I worse?”And nothing. Just different.
When we envy? When we do not have what others have. No, but I really want it to be. “Whoever looks at someone else’s, he doesn’t like his own”. (Lucius Annae Seneca Jr.). And after all to the point. All their lives envied the owners of thick hair. I have never had such, no and, alas, will not be. (We do not take into account wigs. It’s like enjoying fruit from papier-mash. It looks beautiful, but … hmm … sensations, you know, are not the same at all). The acquaintance sighs drearyly due to the size of my underwear. “But her legs are beautiful,” another says about her. And so in a circle. We envy, they envy us. “If you are not envied, then you are not”. Another right remark. True, I don’t know how nice it is to feel your own existence in this way.
So we live – masochistic, picking in ourselves, holding our teeth, mowing with our eyes and leave traces of nails on the palms. We humble yourself with something, try to come to terms with something, with something-it doesn’t work out to do it. And here … Cribe, crab, boom ..
A miracle can happen here. A kind of globally modified shopping. This is a bad, destructive, destructive feeling suddenly begins to transform and becomes a springboard for self -improvement, a more stubborn achievement of the goal. New life reference point. Let with envy, but with envy forcing to sit on a diet, go in for sports, learn a foreign, come up with a new recipe for a delicious casserole, embroider a picture, invent an almost eternal engine or rejuvenating mask. The master of aphorism Leonid Sukhorukov subtly noted: “And envy drives progress if it is within the framework of conscience”. With our conscience, everything is in order with us, I hope.
After reading a considerable number of aphorisms about envy, I found only one positive. For some reason an unknown author (although they could not be scattered by such personnel). “Envy is a good feeling, for it all starts with a dream”. And we know that dreams have a strange property to come true. After all, we are no worse! So let’s dream!