While the court is the case, then Babier Summer, then frosts, autumn weddings are gaining momentum. So it was at all times. In the fall, it was time to take a break from the works of the righteous, think about the future and … make the right decision. Lay, so to speak, the basis of the future happiness. If you choose the right thing right, you will be happy for the whole century. How in the old days they spent the last week before the wedding, how they “spoke” happiness? We continue the story about ancient wedding traditions.
Why bow on all side of the world. So, the wedding wheel begins its rotation, leisurely and meaningful. The matchmakers conspired, hit hands. However, which means – leisurely? So many things need to be in time in one, rarely two pre -wedding weeks. The bride with the help of girlfriends of the whole relatives of the groom needs to prepare gifts, she should cry without a stop at her sad fate (even if she’s getting married and groom to her heart), dowry and update, meet all guests in the house, meet, meet and meet… The groom also has a lot of worries: to prepare a house for a new life in order to meet the honor of the honor of the honor, to weld a wedding feast of beer, to present gifts to the bride and her friends in time, to say goodbye to her idle life. And everything must be done on time, in accordance with the rite, so that people do not condemn. After all, a wedding is played in front of the whole honest world! In the villages and villages of North Rus’, the bride for every woman entering the house, with sad waistanes, demonstrated her unwillingness to leave her parental house, part with girlish joys. Such a performance was not satisfied with the men. The worships ended by the end of the week the rite of farewell to the whole village: the bride with her girlfriends went around her own land from all four sides and remembered how she went “into the forest along the red -haired”, went to church for the meal and to her beloved river, etc. D. “Expect, my paths-roads, a fir-tree and a birch birch, frequent-minute Osinnichka”. In general, goodbye, previous life – and hello, new, unfamiliar! What are the groom’s care. At the pre -wedding week, the groom was supposed to come to the bride with gifts. This was called “come with gingerbread”. In fact, gingerbread was not limited: the groom usually brought the fabric to sundress, a scarf or hemispheres. And the bride was immediately “donated”: she presented an embroidered rushk or shirt with a sweet friend. But she did not accept the gifts immediately, at first she would “flood” the groom from the heart: either take his gifts, or not? She will ask everyone about this, both her mother and her father and girlfriends, only then deigns to accept the grooms “gingerbread”. The moment of “the presentation of the brideish gifts” was significant: here the bride shows her ability to wreck the rope from the groom, and the groom demonstrates with all her appearance: I, too, say, is not basting, I know what’s why what is happening to. Is it easy to hear, for example, such tearful speeches: “Look at me, youth! And what are you pushed for, alien-chuzhenin? What did you like? I really have my legs thin, and there are no power in the shoulders, and I’m not clean -up from behind, and it’s not busty in front … ”I had to listen to all this, because the bridegroom did not rely on such minutes, and with gifts in his hands. They say there were cases when the groom could not stand the nerves. He also began to cry, only seriously: “What do you not take gifts! Pity you me!”But the groom could arrange a” performance “, without accepting the bridegroom” Rathecs ” – his turn to be capricious! Well, when the gifts are finally donated, then the groom will drink tea and treat the wine. He will sit, as much as it should be, at the table, and he will go about his business. Who will not interfere strong nerves. The lamentation of the bride, her complaints “about the bitter fate” could be arbitrarily long. Therefore, the groom really had to have a lot of patience, and not only when the “gingerbread” is presented. The whole pre -wedding week of girlfriends, in the head of the bride, where they can only, fuck the groom. And so and such a bad, and consumer, and “drinks green wine, gets drunk from the mind, goes and staggering, and amusing a strong word”. In general, they are being in vain, and the cooler the better. So if the groom lives nearby, in a week he has heard so more than once that he is amazed – and where did he come from? But so it is supposed to: the groom’s nonexistent sins “spoke” his future happy life, and all the troubles and misfortunes drove away. It happens that the groom is completely sinless – and did not drink wine, and did not smoke tobacco, and in general very strict rules. But the brothels of the girlfriends will still make him as if he is the focus of all possible vices. When the groom gives the bride a gift, then, according to the custom, he must kiss the bride. But here are girlfriends on the alert: they do not allow kissing, they will stand around your beloved, you will not get. The groom here, too, should show the character: to push the ranks of the girlfriends and get to the narrowed. Say, judge you and clasp me, as you like, and I will stay on my own! From this moment, and even earlier, it was not supposed to give up the wedding.