Understanding the outside world and other people, one of the key aspects of our lives. But do people really understand each other? Do they understand what they really want to say, or simply do not listen to us? Or maybe they just draw new facts for their own theory?
When you communicate with a person who is very engaged and in fact has no opinion, but only accepts the opinion of a certain community that is to be treated, you have to face a problem of misunderstanding. You say, you say, and all your facts are either twisting or lowering, and what you are talking about, do not understand. When you communicate with such people, it seems that you speak different languages.
It seems that we use the same words, but we put different meanings, we don’t think that we are understood completely differently that we would like. The ambiguity of each word is misleading and forces the consciousness to sort out dozens (sometimes very distant from each other) meanings. Even if you want to understand what they say to you, it does not always work out. Maybe some simply and do not seek to give anything to others, but simply reflect on aloud?
Based on what he was told. Each person (unless of course he listened) forms his individual, only understandable image, which cannot be conveyed in words or in some other way. Oversaturated images to burst in consciousness and form something new, previously not seen and not heard. There is no new on Earth, but in the mind of a person there is and this new one arises every second. But it is almost impossible to convey this new one, it will certainly be distorted by the outside world and consciousnesses of other people.
Understanding between people, in principle, is a very rare phenomenon, and is most often found at the household level, and certainly not at the level of understanding of the world. Sometimes there really is the impression that people understand each other, but this is just another misconception. Each person is unique, and has his own, only to him understandable thinking, when new information is received by each one reacts in different ways. Any idea to meet different people differently, t. To. everyone has a different set of knowledge, judgments, and so on. To convey a holistic, untreated image is actually not realistic.
Imposing other people’s ideals
Each person in his life draws certain conclusions, some conclusions enter into a system, acquiring students. But few of those who form the systems think about the fact that their works are destined to become just a foundation for someone on which a new system will grow. You are foster how many works of great philosophers were melted into quotes, and no one really remembers the systems itself. It happened with all the antique thinkers, and with almost everyone who created any systems.
The imposition of other people’s ideals occurs every time you communicate with representatives of various religious denominations, adherents of various philosophical systems and t. D. But in fact, there is no transmission of ideas. Hearing or seeing something, a person is adopted not at all the ideas itself, but only her appearance, which he created for himself. This appearance lures a person to himself.
See the world with one’s own eyes
In order to understand a person at least a little bit, you need to discard all your views, and look at the world with his eyes. Often, with this approach, you can achieve the basics of mutual understanding. Having looked at the world with other people’s eyes, you can revise a lot in your life. When we look at the world under a different point of view, what we could not see before. Even if the point of view is in its root erroneous, it can bring a lot of useful things, t. To. will make a person think about this or that question. Looking at the world through the prism of other people’s knowledge, a person should not immediately adopt the point of view, because knowledge that is based on someone else’s view of the world can be simply erroneous.