Many men doubt female logic and dispute it, while considering themselves the most intelligent. However, female logic is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Yes, the female brain is really less than male, but women do not retreat from men in mental development and sometimes even distill men in this. The face has long been erased about the one who is smarter, a man or woman. Since not only men become professors and outstanding scientists, but also women. Moreover, their non -standard logic helps them in this, which erases all the facets of the possible and goes against all the rules, as a result of which excellent and undeniable conclusions are obtained. In mental abilities, a man and a woman have been competing for a long time.
Women’s logic has not allowed men to sleep peacefully for a long time. Since women have achieved equal rights with men and began to actively participate in scientific discussions with them, men find no place for themselves. Since women find such arguments their rightness, which are simply not comprehended for men. The weaker sex showed that it does not lag behind mental development from men, and even, sometimes, exceeds their development. That is why there were so many business women who have established their business through painstaking mental work. And the number of successful women in the world of business is increasing every year. At the work of a woman is more calm and judicious than men, they find exits even in those situations from which they do not find men.
Relations between a man and a woman were aggravated due to the non-standard logic of the latter. It has become more difficult for men to argue and convince women of their innocence. Of course, wise and loving women are trying to hide their logic and not to argue with their beloved man so as not to touch his ego, because many women know how important it is for them. However, especially proud representatives of the fair sex are always and everywhere try to stand on their. Of course, in communication with men it is difficult for them, but they can always defend their point of view.
Women’s and male logic differ among themselves. Perhaps that is why frequent disputes occur between a man and a woman. Men have straightforward logic. They have a direct answer to almost any question posed. And female logic cannot be explained, since it depends on the mood, emotions of a woman. Yes, it can be as straightforward as men. But depending on the influence of the internal state of a woman, her logic can acquire more complex forms of reasoning. So women in the dispute are not inferior to men and find a hundred arguments to justify their point of view. That is why men do not like female logic.
The most dangerous in female logic is that any problem can develop to immense sizes. Women begin to lose more and more new theories in their heads, which is why even the smallest problem may swell to the unnoticed. Because of this, not only men, but also women suffer from female logic. Of course, sometimes female logic is undeniable. But sometimes in her reasoning a woman comes to a dead end. Therefore, female logic must be able to use it correctly in order to be at a height in the discussion of any topic if necessary. It is sometimes better for men not to argue with a woman, as this is a useless and ungrateful business. Especially if a woman is in upset feelings. Since they will do everything in order to prove their rightness. It is better to agree with her now, and when she calm down, try to prove her the opposite. It is very important in relations that a man understands female logic, and a male woman. So, you will always understand each other, and there will be no quarrels in your family.