Exquisite masculinity for several years has been considered one of the women’s fashion trends. It is not for nothing that the representatives of the nobilitite are increasingly appearing on modern secular raautes and VIP-welfare. And once the ladies could not try on something from the male wardrobe: in such things it was considered indecent even to sleep, not to flaunt in decent places. Everything changed more than 200 years ago the appearance of a fresh trend.
The history of the development of the microstille dandy
The original men’s tailors began to sew for the appearance of the gentlemen, the original, unusually exquisite costumes began in the 19th century. Later, the technology, the implementation of these ensembles was called Dandy (from English – "dandy", "Model"), then the name was fixed and directly after the bedding. At that time, as now, he was considered a purely classic direction, therefore, to dress in it was allowed not only to helicopters, but also by serious gentlemen, the restrictions extended exclusively to the ladies who then were supposed to walk in bulky corset outfits with multi -layered skirts.
However, aristocratic ladies were not particularly eager for the male wardrobe, considering the borrowing of it something vulgar, suitable only peasant women. Therefore, the bold Mla Chanel, who decided to somehow get in Blayser and the Jockey Pants, had to pay for the insolence of the right to visit some especially conservative houses. But the magnificent coco was not easy to knock down from the chosen path, she continued to wear "horrible" The kit, everywhere, emphasizing that I found a dream solution, elegant, attractive and at the same time comfortable, allowing you to deftly jump on a horse, move.
Time passed, the rules were steadily made less strict. Seductive models from M-l Chanel won the hearts of such famous film a cinema as Marlene Dietrich, Dyan Kiton, Katherine Hepburn, Lisa Minelli. Soon, actresses began to go in life in the causing, emphasizing forms of costumes, certainly including:
Shirt with suspenders;
Tailcoat or tuxedo;
Bridges or straight pants;
Men’s boots;
Modern Dandy Michest for Lady
From the current couturier, the first collections at the end of the last century were given a shade of masculinity Kelvin Klein. The designer’s fears that the world is not ready for the perception of the Androgyn approach, were not justified: the rethought microstille of the Dandy instantly became popular in higher circles and among the people. Although, despite the major changes, the bedding remained in many ways the same, retaining the main features.
The basis of the current Dandy microstille is the stained snow -white straight shirts of cotton with bent cuffs intercepted by miniature cufflinks. The best addition to the modest top will be a knitted denim, knitted vest with a satin back, "pants-pants", Capri, jockey options. It is supposed to wear it as a mini-dress, pulling a wide belt on the waist, a conventional blouse, a flirty top, tied below an interesting knot, an original tunic, intercepting a sash on the hips.
Dandy microstille, like business, prescribes charming persons to appear in public exclusively in strict jackets: double-breasted, with a clear line of shoulders, brown, dark blue, coal, saturated gray tones, in an inconspicuous strip, small cage.