Favorite heroines of jokes, hostages of hydrogen peroxide, the victims of glamor and the lords of the solariums for the seventh year in a row celebrate a sign for themselves – World Blondes Day. I think it’s symbolic that it is on the last day of May, when spring romance mixes with the burning breath of the coming summer.
Surely it’s not for nothing the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite was a blonde. Light curls were presented to her by Zeus-Gromovets himself. And someone-who, and he knew a lot about female beauty.
A fashionable holiday dedicated to blondes in many countries is celebrated with all kinds of contests and parades of blond tot. In the bright heads of the heroes of the celebration, female logic always prevails over common sense and, perhaps, the secret of true serene female happiness is hidden. After all, the fact that the blondes are more cheerful than their eternal opponents of the brunette is the fact of a long time established.
And they are the most relaxed from all lady stripes, amorous and gullible. As British scientists assure, the behavior of a woman directly depends on the color of the hair. It turns out that it is worth any of us to repaint in a blonde, like confidence, fun and a string of fans in our pocket? There is a big proportion of truth in this.
Real biological weapons can be called the owners of light hair. Again, according to scientists, men in a collision with blondes… Stupid. This was proved, by the way, a man, a professor of social sciences of Parisian University. Interestingly, the decrease in mental activity in macho is connected not only with sexual background.
Everything is very simple: the shade of “Blond” for musculine is a sign of low intelligence, a sort of “bimbo effect”. Perhaps this explains the lightning success of the blond stars of Marilyn Monroe, Bridget Bordo, Scarlett Johanson and others like them.
But the fact that gentlemen prefer blondes is an absolute myth. According to statistics, dark -haired women are more successful in his career and in marriage happier. And billionaires prefer to see them next to them much more often than “light”.
But the owners of blond curls themselves are so confident in their irresistibility that in most cases they will prefer a sky-high “crane” of some manual “titmous”. Their stubborn desire to successfully marry amazingly, however, like a merciless struggle with treacherous growing dark roots.
It is well known that natural blondness is an extremely rare phenomenon. What’s there: in a couple of hundred years "Bright heads" can finally disappear from the face of the earth. It is estimated that over the past 50 years alone, the number of fair -haired earthlings has decreased to 14% of the total number of residents of the planet.
So you need to protect the “blond genes”, literally cherish and cure. And do not believe the evil hills about the “stupid” of their owners.
Here Ksyusha Sobchak is a model, and what is not smart for you? He speaks competently, reads books, though it is sometimes harsh for its delicate status… But even the bitchiness of the blonde, from the point of view of men, you can forgive. Who else can be said – “charm, how stupid”))
However, probably, each of us is a little blonde, so let it be a holiday every day.