Today I want to talk about choosing a job.
What is work for each of us and how we choose it? Is it realistic to earn and have fun at the same time? Why are those who say that they do not want to work, still do something? Is it really possible to do anything? Is it possible to choose a job that satisfies? … – I want to discuss these and other issues in this article.
So let’s start. Each of us in the process of life is faced with a choice: go to a highly paid but hated job or choose a path that does not lead to enrichment, but pleasure from the actions performed?
What affects our choice?
Let’s start bend our fingers. FIRST:
Work for a person is a way to get money – such an integral part of our life. Therefore, the choice of work is affected by the amount of money and the way to earn it.
In this article, I do not want to focus on money, although each of us understands that without them anywhere. Here I want to dwell on the psychological aspect of the choice of work.
The team in which we will have to work. Unfortunately, we will learn about it only in the process of work itself. Therefore, before condemning a person that he is too often changing their jobs, think about this aspect.
Atmosphere at work. Unlike the second paragraph, the atmosphere is created not only by the people themselves, but by the management of the enterprise, company, organization. It is the authorities that can organize the process of work in such a way that the “germ” begins inside the team, the regular “informers” and all kinds of envious people appear.
Agree that not everyone can work in such an atmosphere of constant tension! And especially sensitive workers with the creative organization of nature are sensitive to this. There are such among men and women. That is why people seem to leave with a highly paid, but such hated work! but envious, and all the more envious.
So what if you do not want to power the beggarly existence in a good team with the boss who forgives you your mistakes, but I don’t want to work for the team, where the boss wants to squeeze you completely and, if that, immediately fines, and in the team goes constant binnit and “snapness”, but at the same time they pay much more?..
In past articles, we talked about happiness and agreed that happiness for everyone is their own, but, ultimately, to be a happy person needs not. So, on the issue of choosing work, you can be guided by your own desire to do a certain business and the ability to do this business. Based on these principles, you can choose a suitable specialty or a suitable business for yourself. It can be in different fields. Either at some large enterprises, or only in small firms, or such a specialty will be in demand only in the social sphere or in municipal organizations.
Of course, none of us wants to become a janitor or cleaner in our dreams, to be a waitress or a lackey, but … each of the above works gives its owner, besides money, also certain freedom. And freedom in time in particular! What, by the way, are deprived of rich people who are forced to constantly think about increasing profits, leadership of objects and suspicion of theft with their subordinates. 🙂 In addition, communication with people with such “low” (in social terms of low, of course, therefore in quotation marks) specialties – this is such a width that are deprived of “Maeeensters”, “Floods”, “Girls on Laborgzhini”. Well, however, where did you see that the top of the highest level would go to the cleaner and show her how to sweep it correctly??? Whether you watched the picture when any builder screams down, ”hey, you are there, on the“ wheelbarrow ”! Take her alive, and then inadvertently the brick will fall-you yourself will be to blame!”;) And the smaller the specialty, the easier it is to speak with people! It is from my own experience that I say, t. To. was both a subordinate and the boss. Why it turns out – I don’t know. But everyone who lives in society, under the name “state” has stereotypes.
Well, this is all known from experience. And as you know, each has his own. But in order for him to work … Is it possible not to work at all, and at the same time live happily and full life??? This is probably a dream, like a little boy
Fine. You do nothing and just live as you want. What will you do??? Yeah!!!!… Now each of you has come up with hundreds of classes with which he will engage in!!!)) … But this is called the case-Business-in English! Is it really so difficult to decide on this very thing when you enjoy??? And do you really, after everything you have learned, believe when they say to you that someone does not want to do anything??? But you understand to go fishing (and this is a pleasure for someone!), you need to buy a fishing rod (good – precisely for the fishing for which it is needed!), choose a fishing line (precisely for this fish), choose a hook, sinker and bait (again for the fish), and then also choose a bait (or maybe dig it yourself! ;)). So it turns out that for this you need to do a certain job. BUT!!!… After all, such work is done with a desire, and it, as you know, arises from motivation.
We conclude:
In order to choose a certain business or work of your whole life, you need a certain motivation. For some, this motivation arises from the formula: “I need an apartment and I will work in this fucking work until I have it …”-the most common, but, nevertheless, motivation! And for others, she sounds differently: “I want to do what I like, I just need to decide how to extract as much profit as possible from this …”-and a person becomes, for example, a freelancer. And others think this: “Work, although I don’t like it, but the money is good there. And in my free time I will do what you like … ” – and such people work in hated work and do … – whoever eats vodka, who picks up in the garage, who sculpts aircraft (and I know such an entrepreneur who made his hobby from his hobby company!), and who draws the paintings.
Everyone has their own motivators. Start yourself!… Until you were motivated by others! 😉 The sooner you determine your path, the less chance of someone to knock you out of the way and force you to work on your own benefits.
I wish to decide! And I’m glad to help you with this.