Being in mind and harmony with emotions for life is simply necessary
You should not pushes emotions to the distant plan that play a large role in mental activity, decision -making, in life and personal success.
To promote the life stairs, qualities such as the ability to cope with conflicts, tolerance, sociability are necessary. And all these features are based on control over emotions. If a person is very smart, but elementary indifference and unwillingness to look at his behavior from the side, can simply push away people useful for him. Recently, the concept of “emotional intelligence” defined by American scientists John Meyer and Peter Sallevi has become very popular. Harmony between emotions and mind, this is happiness. Scientists determined that emotional intelligence has a greater impact on the potential of personality success (85%) than mental intelligence (15%).This ratio is very well confirmed by the example of Henry Ford, who was able to gather around him a team of people more intellectual than he himself. What is “emotional intelligence”?This is a person’s ability to observe and realize his own emotions and emotions of others, the ability to manage and build interaction on this. The combination of the words “emotional” and “intelligence” seems very unusual, but nevertheless it carries a good semantic definition, this is the ability to plunge into its emotional state, to realize and control it, and use it for a rational analysis of the situation and make the right decision on the basis of intelligence and feelings. Emotional intelligence contains five components of the ability to control their feelings and feelings of others.
The first is awareness, that is, the ability to recognize and understand your feelings and moods, needs and motives, habits and personal characteristics. In addition, this is honesty and sincerity with others and oneself. Ability to go to an open dialogue. Speaking of your true feelings and thoughts. Here you can also include the ability to objectively evaluate yourself and your capabilities. There is also humor in relation to itself. Self -control is the ability to reflect and act thoughtfully, while controlling your negative, the ability to say no in time. Here – you can classify the ability to be responsible for your actions and actions. Self -control allows you to feel comfortable, soberly think and preserve the initiative in case of uncertainty. The third component is a motivation, the basis of organized people to something. If two people with equal opportunities but in different relationships to the case take up it, then the result will be the corresponding. Motivation is a creative approach, perseverance and perseverance. Even when it is bad, you can’t lose faith in yourself and in victory, falling again to rise in no matter what. The fourth is an elementary sensitivity, the ability to feel the emotional state of other people, understand and compassion, show a sincere interest in the concerns of other people. Thus, a team of like -minded people is created, because the path through life is spinning alone. If a person does not like his attitude towards himself, then he can easily leave with all his knowledge and experience where he can be realized.
Sociability, last and very important link. A person is constantly in communication, all things are built on personal interaction. Therefore, it is very important to be able to find a common. Create trust and build mutual understanding and interaction. The level of emotional intelligence depends on either gender, age, or on ethnic origin. The stronger the emotional abilities, the more successful in life and in the family and in business can become. It’s never too late to change for the better, the main thing is to want to do it. Mental abilities play the first role in life successes and career. But psychological science proves, and life confirms that everything is no less important and maybe even more, it turns out the ability to resist stress and remain an optimist to the end, in spite of what."Those who develop their emotional intelligence have more chances to become more confident, improve relations with others, be happier".