Phraseologism to carry water on someone’s meaning “to use someone’s trouble-freeness in business, instructions”. Probably, the proverb on the offended (angry) water was carried in connection with the fact that hard work was a punishment for the resentment of a person: on an offended, angry person they literally drove water.
It is also possible that a person, absorbed in his resentment or humiliated by her, is easy to manipulate.
The phrase “Do not be offended”, has already become everyday. Where did we get that people are offended? Most likely, these are our observations. People can draw conclusions! There are people who are offended and departed, and there are people who are uninhabited. What it depends on? Anyone will say from the personality. And personality, as you know, is formed in the process of education.
This was indulged in childhood – he grew up a mamenkin son and touchy. But this life since childhood did not complain – he does not know how to offend, is used to holding a blow. And this is evil, because they offended in childhood. In society, it is generally accepted. However, this judgment is erroneous.
Undoubtedly, education and life experience, whether positive or negative, affects our behavior. But there are also deep, unconscious prerequisites for one or another behavior. And these prerequisites are already laid in vectors.
Are all people prone to resentment. It turns out that not all. Only people with anal vector are predisposed to resentment. In other vectors, whether it is skin, urethral, muscle or say visual, there is no such program of behavior.
Why are the analities offended? To understand this phenomenon, you should briefly disassemble the vector itself.
The anal vector is manifested by such properties as justice, honesty, cleanliness, including in relations. In a distant prehistoric group, anal men played the role of guards of the cave and women. They did not hunt, did not get food along with all men, but nevertheless, they had the right to a fair piece of meat. Moreover, all the guards of the cave received him equally ..
Equally, in fairness, honestly, in fraternal … Thus, the psyche of analist was formed. They are not ranked among themselves like tanners, they do not have the need and internal calls. A special brotherhood, where everything is honest, everything is equally, everything is in fairness. And this psyche of the analist, where the direct line is the most comfortable for him, can shake towards resentment, if there is a violation of its properties – honesty, justice, directness. For example: if the skin boss did not notice the labor anal in the common cause, deprived of a bonus, a free ticket, did not say thanks … Here is a resentment formed. A straight line is broken. The principles of the attitude of anal person are violated.
Often, resentment in the anal vector has been formed since childhood. If mother is a skin woman, with her skin values and skin thinking. Break off the pot, which leads to underdevelopment in the vector, skin stinginess on praise, skin restraint in the manifestation of feelings. Skin values that are unacceptable for anal person. Resentment against a mother can pass through the life of an analist and from the inside, a year after year to poison his existence, preventing him from getting pleasure from life. Resentment against a mother who instead of praise led a coin. Resentment to the class that deprived him of going to the cinema, offense at the university, which did not see in it a zealous student. Resentment to the country that threw him overboard life, allowing him in the first rows of dishonest and unprincipled tanners. Negative memories in a compartment with excellent memory. Resentment in the anal vector does not go away, they are imposed and sitting inside.
Once they talked about resentment with a skin woman. Rather, I raised the topic. I was wondering if there is no idea in the skin vector? I asked to remember from her biography moments when she became offended. She looked at me perplexedly. Then I more specified the question, leading to compare and understanding the essence of the premise to resentment. Everyone was given a letter, but she, for example, no. Everyone was treated with candy, but she is not. Everyone was released for a walk, but she is not. – Yes, yes, I remember, I was very angry then ..
The skin woman did not see the difference between resentment and anger. For her, these two concepts are identical, moreover, she described her reaction and applied the word “anger”. Injustice in relation to the owner of the anal vector leads to resentment, and in relation to the skin – to anger.
Resentment sits deep inside – they say people who carry this negative reaction in themselves. And no matter how hard the person tries to forget, the image comes up before his eyes over and over again. In traditional psychology, there are methods of exemption from grievances: somehow imagine the negative on paper and mentally burn it or abandon it far. I don’t know if such advice helped someone, perhaps they brought short-term relief, but this is not a way to free himself from her. It is impossible by the power of the imagination of an act of violence over a strong negative feeling to erase it. So what to do, how to remove this load, a load, which is becoming harder every year and more, poisons life, prevents it from getting her pleasure?
Through awareness of oneself, their deep properties in vectors, through the understanding of other people, the motives of their actions, there is a liberation from their phobias, fears, and insults. This is an amazing phenomenon. Each time Yuri himself indicates that he does not aim to cure students of his lectures from vices, but this therapeutic effect manifests itself, regardless of whether the lecturer sets such a goal or not. In the reviews of his seminars, words of gratitude are not once sounded for the opportunity to breathe full breasts, freeing from the severity of the oppression of resentment. Among the latter is your humble servant, who subconsciously has taken offense for more than twenty years. Now, looking back, I understand how she poisoned my life. What I was deprived of, only because this parasite was sitting inside.